Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

I think it is safe to say, if you don't live in New York City, you may have no idea what the Occupy Wall Street movement is about. Even with all of the stories published by the New York Times or the Washington Post, or those that run on the evening news, it's been very unclear as to what the goal of this movement is.

Finally, CNN posted a great video today that helps clear things up. But why has it taken this long? Is it because the journalists themselves are unclear as to what the purpose of the movement is? Are journalists so busy covering the protests and the evictions from parks that they have missed the point?

I think this could be the case. Many times journalists get wrapped up in what's happening right now, that they don't publish stories dealing with anything deeper than the action. I wonder if this is because many journalists who are covering the story are either pressed for time to get it done, or because they are trying to be objective?

I think it's important for journalists to remain objective no matter what story they're covering, but I also think that sometimes what you are given to put in your story may seem like information to bias the audience. That's where good, old fashioned reporting comes in. I'd like to see more than just "what's happening now", I want to hear some expert opinions, responses from more than just the local government, and a good analysis or commentary. And I'd like this to be more than just a blip on a back page. If something like Occupy Wall Street is happening, do your job and tell me what the heck it is and what these people want.

CNN Video


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the big cable networks have also had trouble reporting on OWS because the nature of the movement is that it's leaderless. The media can't fit this style of organization into any of its traditional ideas of how a group functions. The Teaparty had local leaders and national stars who could speak for the movement and refine its demands. The OWS has the human microphone and 'concensus building'.
