Sunday, October 2, 2011

Taking Back Wall Street

For the past two weeks, protesters have camped out in Wall Street.  They are protesting big business controlling government interests.

During the protest, 700 people were arrested for trying to march across the Brooklyn Bridge.  Most have been released, except a few with warrants and others that refuse to cooperate with police.

From a personal standpoint, it's actually kind of refreshing.  I stated a couple of weeks ago that it is disheartening that there have been no large-scale protests against perceived political incompetence.  Over the past year, there have been a lot of complaints about the political scene in America, but not much being done, or even attempted.

Now, a small group of college students sitting out of Wall Street has turned into a movement.   There are groups like this protesting across the nation.   They may not all be as large as the group in New York, but they are coming together under a common cause.  They aren't trying to take political office; they're just protesting what they believe to be injustices.

Now, those protests are coming to the Kansas City area.  The group, Occupy Kansas City, is organizing their version outside the Federal Reserve Building in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.  The movement hasn't made much news coverage here, but I look forward to see if the protests last in the Midwest.

I may not agree with everything these groups are doing, but it is nice to see something happening.  It's not organized, it's not clean, but hey, a start is a start.  At least some people are utilizing their basic rights.

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